"Whereas this country requires a new national system for schools which will redress past injustices in educational provision, provide an education of progressively high quality for all learners and in so doing lay a strong foundation for the development of all our people's talents and capabilities, advance the democratic transformation of society, combat racism and sexism and all other forms of unfair discrimination and intolerance, contribute to the eradication of poverty and the economic well-being of society, protect and advance our diverse cultures and languages, uphold the rights of all learners, parents and educators, and promote their acceptance of responsibility for the organisation, governance and funding of schools in partnership with the State; and
"Whereas it is necessary to set uniform norms and standards for the education of learners at schools and the organisation, governance and funding of schools throughout the Republic of South Africa..."
(Preamble to the South African Schools Act, 1996)
The learners at Nathaniel Nyaluza Public Secondary School are being prepared, in their education, to take part in a new South Africa.
Again a pioneer, Nathaniel Nyaluza was among the first of Grahamstown's public schools to connect to the internet. Working with the Rhodes University Departments of Computer Science and Education, and the Telkom Centre of Excellence, Nathaniel Nyaluza was connected to the Rhodes University network, sparking the ongoing Grahamstown Schools Project, e-Yethu.
Nathaniel Nyaluza Public Secondary School has its own website!
Follow the link for updates on events at Nyaluza, and to read the personal blogs of current students - telling their own stories, their own histories, live online.
congrats on stringing together an interesting blog guys:it will contribute something towards Rhodes students knowing a little something of relevance about 'the township' (i always find myself asking: 'which one?which township?')
i do think that (not to give ya'll more admin) it would add value to the blog for ya'll to get in touch (specifically with the high school sections) with the schools' alumni, so tht outsiders can get a sense of 'success' when talking about g/town, cuz everyone talks about this place like its the most hopeless place to grow up in...one lead: Msizi Khuhlane (sometimes misspelt "Kuhlane") - ex-senior producer of Special Assignment, current producer of "In The Public Interest" (both of the SABC TV division) - he want to Nyaluza...
i meant 'went' to Nyaluza: typo! :)
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